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What is Integration?

Integration is a big buzzword in the psychedelic space, but what does it really mean? Integration is what happens after you attend a plant medicine or psychedelic retreat. Maybe you have experienced Iboga plant medicine, Ayahuasca, Psilocybin, DMT , or another healing substance. With any journey that you're taking, integration is what happens after your ceremony, once you've left your retreat and returned to your home environment.During the retreat, you're supported by the provider and team that you've chosen, the group that you're there with, the medicine, and the relaxing focused elements of being at a retreat.

Here in Portugal At Root Healing Iboga Retreat Center, we talk and learn a lot about

the Bwiti tradition. Bwiti is the is the African tradition where Iboga was first discovered. The Bwiti people have shared with us the insights that they have gained over the last thousands of years working with this master plant teacher. They have taught us the ways to use Iboga properly, ceremonially, and their ways of living, giving us a template for how to make changes in our life, and how to heal from some of the issues we're dealing with.

After you return home, this is where the real journey begins. I like to say the last day of your retreat is the first day of your new life. The first day of you making changes, of butting up against

your home environment and really assessing what works for you and what doesn’t work for you.

Once we have touched these deeper places in ourselves, these choices often become more clear and pronounced. This is the time to do the work of acting on the wisdom given to us during our ceremony.

Some people go home and feel a sense of bliss and feel extremely empowered, more present in their lives, a stronger connection with their loved ones, and with the love they have for themselves.

Many people return home and realize there's some major changes they need to make. It might be a career change, maybe they're going to be leaving a long term relationship, perhaps they have realized that it's time to move to a new home or community.

These are all awarenesses that can come to us during our experience. Being supported after you return home is extremely important to the process of any plant medicine or visionary experience.

Having someone to talk to, to guide you, that understands what you've been through and has seen firsthand what it takes to bring this experience home in good way. Having a designated integration specialist can help keep you on track if you're feeling stuck or confused, give you a safe and knowledgeable space to discuss what you saw and felt during your journey.

My Integration program is all based in the Bwiti tradition. Everything that I will be talking about

and guiding you through in the weeks and months after your experience will come directly from this ancient set of codes for living a happy life. These foundational indigenous wisdoms empower each person to take their healing into their own hands and act on the guidance that the visionary journey presents us with.

One of the primary goals of any Iboga experience, as well as any psychedelic or plant medicine experience is reconnecting to yourself; reconnecting to your soul. In the Bwiti tradition, they say

that the soul is the true GPS, the guide of your life. This is the place from which we want to make decisions, and this is who we want to empower to drive us, our soul. In the Western culture, oftentimes our mind is given that position, our mind is driving the car. So a big part of the work during the retreat is quieting the mind so that the voice of the soul can really grow louder and can be heard.

In the weeks and months after leaving your retreat, one of the things that I'll be talking

to you about is listening to your soul. Having regular conversations with yourself, with your soul, with your intuition; to keep that voice loud and encourage your soul to be that driver, to be that GPS.

This ensures that as you are making these changes, as you are starting new daily habits and new

patterns, that they're coming from the right place.

Having knowledgeable support after you return home is invaluable to this process.

If you have any questions or confusion about your journey, maybe things that felt a little bit harder upon returning home, Integration is the key to keeping the door to your enlightenment unlocked.

attending a retreat, facing yourself, facing your truth, this is all hard work, and you want

to make sure that it lasts and that you can keep those wisdoms and insights with you forever.

Please let me know if you have any questions about integration or my program,

or if you need support, I am here for you.



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